Thursday, February 5, 2009

Craft Beer: Recession Proof?

Mike Haupert answers the question with an affirmative.
Pearl Street Brewery is getting ready for its 10th anniversary.

"Our business has grown about 30 to 40 percent in the last year," says Brewmaster Joe Katchever.

That's not something many businesses can say in this economy. But industries, like microbreweries, are booming. Economists say it's because a high-end beer is a small luxury people can justify.

"(People say) 'I can't afford the $40 bottle of whisky, but I'll go get myself a sort of "niche" beer," says UW-L Economics Professor Mike Haupert. "(They say) 'it's not the can of beer I'd get at a grocery store, but it's not going to set me back the same amount."

Which is good news for Pearl Street Brewery. They've expanded sales from the La Crosse area to all of western Wisconsin, something they credit to people thinking beer is an affordable indulgence.

"Our sales haven't really tapered off, or changed since this recession officially started, or people started talking about it at the end of the summer," Katchever says.
See the video and story here.

1 comment:

giddings said...

Yum. This is also why I continue to go to Starbucks. . . Cutting a $2.50 luxury out of my life would hurt my overall level of happiness much more than it would help my budgetary woes..